A Bigger “D” in Darby is Darby’s Biggest Dream


Darby’s Dream is a Grower

Darby is a fulltime, unemployed acronym armed with the hunger of a dream. That dream is growing, and it’s getting harder and harder to feed!

Dreams Are Realized By You!

Lucky for Darby, she believes in her message.

What Did Darby Do?

Darby did what any crazy dreamer, with the heart to change the world, would do if they only had the chance.

Darby recognized the chance.

She built a Thanksgiving table so big, it held enough food to serve an entire army – in every country – in the world, and others!

She even provided all the food!

Thanks, Darby!

Then, some awful people covered the table with small ass plates, and took credit for hosting the best Thanksgiving dinner in the universe. They thanked everyone for coming, and couldn’t wait to host again next year.

They told Darby that people ate dinner off the plates they provided, and not her table, as part of their “Screw All People” picnic collection


At that point, Darby forgot everything she believed about herself.

She felt the life she lived was one big, giant lie. She began feeling things about humanity she never felt before.

That is, until she actually hit rock bottom. At that point, all she could think of is what she’s stood for all along.

Dreams Are Realized By You!

Finally! It took long enough, but Darby felt something she never felt before. It liberated her to next level status, within her mind.

She didn’t have a single fuck to give.

Dreams Are Realized By You!

Darby Recognized Another Chance

Good luck taking that away.

Sometimes it takes a groundswell of humanity to realize the secret to life is simple. It’s an internal journey. Yes, I’m sorry to disappoint you.

Things always get worse before they get better!

Your external existence will never soar if you don’t understand and reinforce the foundation of your internal existence.


If you experience pain, loss, anger, depression, or anything bad, you still have something to learn, and that’s the truth.

Even life has loopholes. Bitch!

Repeat and Believe

Nobody lives a life they never imagine. Life is a game of wonder. Next time you’re in front of a mirror, recite Darby’s words to the person you see.

Look at your sexy self with your eyes open wide, and say it with a smile. It’s worth a shot.

Dreams are realized by you.

Imagination Work is a Virtual Brain Gym

It’s never too late to dream. You can always discover, create, tweak, fine-tune, evolve, enhance, and achieve dreams.

However, there’s a caveat. It’s work, and not necessarily work you get paid to do. At least, not at first. It’s work that might pay off down the road.

Your imagination becomes exponentially more active the more you open, stretch, strengthen, and train your imagination.

Imagination training is exhausting even though you don’t pick up weights. The only thing you lift is your spirit, which, ironically, ultimately lifts you.

Darby’s World War Work of Art

Pick up your supplies and draft yourself.

Darby’s is the imaginary amusement park in my mind. It didn’t take long to create because I never built any walls. Walls are for pussies.

It’s a passion concept that works because people effectively communicate with one another, especially themselves.

It’s a perpetually expanding universe.

Darby’s always feels bigger than the time before, and everyone is welcome. The only people who go are those who want to be there! Every trip to Darby’s is pure entertainment.

I go because it’s like no other place on Earth.

Minds are off leash and imaginations run wild. Everyone’s human, cordial, kind, and happy. Seriously, it’s fucked up. You should come!

My Dream is Virtually Real

We exist and evolve in a dream within another dream, ever-evolving. It’s hard to keep track of which one’s which. All I know is that I bump into a lot of other dreamers.

After coming to Arizona, my life flipped like an anti-gay politician in some kind of public bathroom.

It took me years to realize the real lies with my real eyes.

Question Everything to Understand Anything

What I didn’t realize is that, all along, my life had been upside down for years. That was a tough one to figure out. Coming to Arizona actually turned it right side up.

Life has a way of correcting your alignment and course.

I’ve done a lot in my life I cannot shout proudly from a mountain top, but I’ve learned from the culmination of my mistakes. At the same time, I can’t say I have any regrets. I’ve faced, accepted, and owned the crazy things I’ve done.

Meeting and getting to know people who open up about things they’ve done (or do) that society has no business judging motivates the fuck out of me to tell as many stories as I can.

I do what I do because I’m always evolving. I’ve changed my mind countless times about things I thought were true.

Be real and you will begin seeing opportunities that you never thought possible.

Understand, however, it takes a lot of time.

Darby is a Bug that can Tug our Boats

We are the captain and crew of our individual ship, and it’s full of personal baggage whenever we’re daring to float.

By the way, nice baggage! There’s something familiar about it. It looks homemade, without lifetime guarantees, kind of like mine. Did you design it yourself?

I’m looking for baggage that goes with mine.

Dreams Are Realized By You!

Live in the Present to Live Your Dream

Life is one hell of a gift, and a gift is a present. This moment, right now, is the present. The present is your dream. Live in the present to live your dream.

Sweet dreams, everyone!


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My Dog is My Co-Pirate!


My Dog is Not My Child

My dog is officially my co-pirate. After spending the summer studying abroad, Bella became Bellz. She graduated and she’s not even two! She’s an overachiever.

I don’t know where she gets it. It wasn’t from me; I was a “C” student.

Congratulations, Bellz! You done good, girl!

I nearly dropped out of college, and not because I didn’t want to be there. I was told I was wasting my time, money, and other things, but I only flunked one class.

Kidding aside, she’s German and Germans make great dogs, and other good shit.

Leave it to Germany to engineer something better than people.

In Dog We Trust

Dogs have an unwavering commitment to loyalty and love. Imagine that you were born into a world filled with unconditional love, encouragement, compassion, and curiosity.

What if I told you that you were already born into that world?

It’s hard to believe, but what if it’s true?

What if you discovered that you were already born into that world?

See, what had happened was…I couldn’t see what I didn’t believe.

Seeing is believing, but I had to believe to see.

I saw, then believed, but I can’t believe my eyes!

I see you!

We have an uncanny ability to complicate the simplest things.

You’ve either figured it out or you haven’t. You will or you won’t. You do or you don’t.

That’s a joke. Not really. Seriously though, it is. Just kidding.  What?

Polly Wanna Cracker?

Referring to dogs as children is automatic, like when someone says they’re “fine” when nobody asked how they were.

Think of it this way:

Americans tend to be parrots. Parrots sit on the shoulders of pirates. If Americans are parrots, then Americans are co-pirates. Being a co-pirate requires at least two pirates. If Americans have a dog, then Americans and dogs are co-pirates.

Any questions? Polly wanna cracker?

It’s basic logic, but Americans aren’t known for being logical. Ask any lawyer. They’ll tell you the truth.

Words Matter

If it pleases the court, I would like to submit evidence that pets are not children.

Nobody gives birth to their dog. Dogs aren’t a result of any sex you had. If you carry a dog for nine months, it’s in a purse.

Dogs happen on purpose. The decision to have a dog is exactly that; a decision. Having a kid requires sex and a choice.

People don’t usually update social media while walking out of an abortion clinic.

Dogs don’t have allergies. Nobody gives up a child because their dog has allergies.

Dog gone!

Dogs don’t hate you. Dogs do the darnedest things. They shit inside, piss on stuff, destroy something or make a mess. Kids talk.

A child will tell you they wish they were never born.

You can’t cage a child. Try that with a toddler. A crib is as close as you get.

Children can have children. Dogs get fixed. Fixed. What a strange word for never reproducing again.

Words Matter

Chaos & Piss

If we continue allowing pet owners to refer to their animals as children, where does it end?

Before you know it, parents will treat their kids like pets and allow them to shit outside. Animals will begin using restrooms, and we can’t even figure out which restroom people should use.

What the fuck? Maybe we should all shit outside.

Why not? We act like animals.

Final Thought

It’s acceptable to euthanize pets. People aren’t so lucky. If I’m ever in a situation where I’m unresponsive and I can’t, won’t, or forget to swallow pudding, I truly won’t mind a lethal dose of anesthesia.

Why not? We act like animals.

I rest my leather case.

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All Paths Lead to Purpose


Your Only Pioneer is You

We’re all pioneers of our own unchartered path. We stumble, trip, fall, crawl, bitch and argue our way through life’s present conditions every day.

Your Path Leads to Purpose

It feels good to think you have purpose, but believing it is entirely different. Purpose resides within you, and it’s something you discover about yourself. 

It’s in your DNA.

Finders Keepers

Generally, we have ideas of what we want and where we’re headed, but it’s not always clear how we’ll get there.

All the while, we’re distracted by self induced crises and every other obstacle we can’t control. It’s up to you to know the difference. Detours are inevitable – a lot of them – and it’s easy to get lost.

Everyone gets lost.

It’s not a matter of if, but when. It’s going to happen – if it hasn’t already – and when it does, you need to do the finding. Nobody else can do that for you.

Others may support you, but that’s the extent of what anyone can offer.

You’re not their project, and they aren’t yours. Care about others and worry about yourself.

Your life is your project.

Find and Be Keeper

Find purpose, or purpose will find you.

It’s impossible to see what you don’t believe.

Lost yet? I know I am.

Welcome to the Land of Confusion, Illusion, Delusion, Seclusion!

What’s your poison?

This is a test. This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test.

Every American has the ability to admit this simple truth: Americans are spoiled. Yes, we’re spoiled. We’re all spoiled in similar and different ways.

It’s impossible to see what you don’t believe.

Life is One Hell of a Gift

Life is an adventure worth remembering and there’s a lot to miss. Pay attention to everything around you and notice the pieces to your puzzle, hidden in plain sight, every day.

A word of caution: The sadistic side of life constantly delivers blows of sadness, anger, pain (and others) that have the ability to break you, but only if you let them.

Life is an opportunity of a lifetime full of once in a lifetime opportunities.

Be a Pathfinder

Remember the past, live in the present, and don’t be future blind. Envision your future. Dream about your future. Imagine your potential.

Remember to watch your step. Keep your head up and your mouth closed. Look ahead with your eyes open.

Be aware of your surroundings. Listen carefully to others. Think before you speak. Listen to what you’re saying. Recognize opportunities. Know your options. Make decisions. Die another day.

Eat healthier. Drink less. Clean house. Cancel cable. Get your face out of your phone. Do laundry. Sleep more. Try to get exercise. Meditate. Stop thinking about your ex. Travel more. Meet people. Make new friends. Have more sex. Don’t procrastinate.

Oh shit, forget that last list of garbage. Those are notes to myself.

Be a Trailblazer

All of us have the ability to inspire others. Inspiration is powerful. We see, hear, touch, taste and feel inspiration in whatever passions we pursue.

If you’re capable (and you are) of leading by example, then lead by example. You never know whose life you’ll touch.

Be Proactive

Nothing you want ever falls into your lap. Winning the lottery sounds great, but it’s a dangerous plot twist when you’re unprepared for the curveballs that follow.

Failure is a motivating teacher. Be brave, everything will be okay. You’ll never truly know what winning feels like until you know what it feels like to lose.

People who inspire others experience volatility, turmoil and failure. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is inevitable.

Explore the paths of most resistance, but make good choices. This requires bold decisions, and bold decisions involve risk.

Learn to be spontaneous. Quick decisions aren’t always comfortable, but can be the pivot that inevitably changes your life.

Create a Wake

Life isn’t an accident; life happens on purpose. Some people cause a wake, and others leave an unsettled aftermath.

Baby Steps

We crawl before walking, and walk before running. We leave tracks connecting where we are, where we’ve been, and where we’re from.

Everyone has experience worth sharing. Some won’t, and others will, but nobody can walk a mile in someone else’s shoes until completing a marathon in their own.

It’s impossible to see what you don’t believe.

Find purpose, or purpose will find you.

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Nobody Belongs on this Fence


A Fence I Won’t Forget

October 12th was the 19th anniversary of Matthew Shepard’s death. Last year, I wrote about the heinous crime against Matthew as I watched America stay stuck in its political climate pattern before its 2016 election.

Never forget Matthew. He would have turned 40 last December.

The Climate Unchanged

Same shit, different decade. The only climate not changing is political. It’s unbelievably sick, sad and (quite honestly) pathetic.

Do you honestly believe the United States of America, as seen on TV, is the real United States of America? What makes any of us stay? The shit we see almost anywhere we look; is that exemplary of you?

No? Me either. That’s why we stay. I get it now.

If that offends you, stop worrying about me and turn your focus inward. You’re reading this by choice. Reading further won’t do you any favors.

Apparently it’s up to us to think for ourselves. It’s weird, I know. Individual capability varies; all it takes is a little thought.

If you’ve thought about thinking about thought, but then thought otherwise, stop thinking.

Stay Curious

Curiosity killed nothing but a boner.

If you want to feel better, you have to do something different. Sometimes, that requires trying something new and I’m talking about far more than just sex.

It’s not bad to try new things.

Get Out of the Habit of Being Unhappy

That’s a problem in this country. Nobody has time to be more upset than they already are. Too many extraneous factors influence how we feel on a daily basis.

Free Your Mind

There’s a difference between sadness, anger, and pain. Experiencing them is the only way to learn. Carefully consider your battles.

First, fuck politics. Wait for the debates. Until then, don’t obsess. Try not to feed the beast. If something’s really important, you’ll know.

It’s important to be informed to engage in meaningful discourse. Complex issues require more than one approach.

Parrots are repetitive and repetition becomes annoying. Parrots don’t solve world problems.

Being Human > Being Inhuman

We’re all born fearful. Fear is natural; it’s the first emotion we experience at birth. Going from womb to room is a rude awakening.

Nobody likes a rude awakening.

You don’t overcome fears without facing them. It’s important to be in the right mind when facing a fear. Fear ignites our instinct to defend ourselves, which can result in aggression. Some fears are easier to conquer than others.

Conquering fears allows us to adapt.

Nobody adapts to anything with their head in the sand.

Happiness is Risky Business

Ironically, I’ve felt higher levels of happiness only after feeling lower levels of worse. If you want to experience an elevated version of happy, you’re going to have to take risks. When taking risks, be prepared to be uncomfortable.

Don’t Be Embarrassed to Change

Being stubborn is a character flaw that paralyzes people who think they know everything. Stubborn people suppress curiosity and limit their ability to learn.

The more you experience, the more you learn. Experience enables us to make better decisions. Better decisions help us personally grow. As we grow, we become more mature. As we mature, we become more confident.

Confidence is sexy and being sexy isn’t embarrassing.

Ignorance is Your Enemy

Ignorance is embarrassing.


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What to Expect on the Devilish Smirk Blog


Big Bowl of Blog

Devilish Smirk will always evolve. I promise. All blog topics are on the table, or close enough to grab.

You never know what I’ll bring back to the table. I pace a lot and I can return with any topic. I’m like a dog carrying a dead rat into the house and freaking everyone out.

Some topics will come out of nowhere, and others you may not understand, but it doesn’t matter. I’m not that complex, and life is much simpler.

You’ve Been Warned 

It’s hard to arrive at the place where you understand and believe what you think to be true. Nothing gets easier. In fact, problems elevate your threshold to deal with more bullshit problems, which are always possible.

Anything can happen. Friendships morph, but don’t always end. It’s happened to me, and others. You never know exactly what you’re being prepared for so you might as well prepare as best you can.

What have you got to lose?

That’s a trick question. You have everything to lose, no matter what you do.

Simplify your life after you complicate the fuck out of it. Everyone does it to themselves, in countless capacities.

Baby steps are small and, to get anywhere, takes time.

It’s like sea kayaking in Alaska. You paddle for hours and the scenery doesn’t change because the mountains are giant.

As a writer, this has been one of my larger struggles, but not the largest. Cherries bury a lot when the bowl is big enough.

Thank you for checking out Devilish Smirk. I hope you enjoy your time here. Never be afraid to show your genuine self. That’s the quickest way to take control of your time.

Spend time on this site. Subscribe for inbox surprises. Engage. Share.

Smile, then smirk.

Communication is how it begins.

“When I started this, I read a lot about having a niche. I’m creating it. It’s been a huge challenge, but I’m having a lot of fun and I feel great doing it. I wish I’d dedicated time to it sooner.” Travis Garrod, October 22, 2015.

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