It’s a great time to feel alive, right here, right now, wherever, or whenever we are.
That's one of those feel good mantras I always wanted to believe, but had every reason not to.
Cultivating a life worth living takes time, and patience is a virtue.
Focus on the future value of the decisions you make today, and live life as an unapologetic beautiful soul.
Almost every relationship works the same as finding love: Relationships happen when you least expect.
Any relationship; take your pick, but don’t work too hard to find something that will eventually find you.

Extra Travis Phone Home!
I bet you thought E.T. stood for Extra Terrestrial.
Hang In There Kid!
Hang in there kid, you have a gifted spirit, and deep down you feel it. You exist in a data-based world, and learning’s a lifetime quest.
You’ve already earned the grand prize of life, and now is your time to live. In the playground of good and evil, there’s nothing more to win.
Appreciate and care for others; but your only concern is you.
Keep an open mind, follow your heart, and learn as much as you can.
You’ll fuck up for sure; it’ll happen a lot, and that will never change.

There are lessons to learn from the mistakes you’ll make. Learn to be humble.
Do yourself a favor, start making a list.
You’ll see your reflection in mirrors, at first, and that’s a great place to start.
Be honest about who you are, and acknowledge when you’re wrong. This isn’t a drill.
A lot won’t make sense for a very long time, and you won’t feel important – until you believe you’re important.
Explore the paths of most resistance, but make good choices. This requires bold decisions, and bold decisions involve risk.
Learn to be spontaneous. Quick decisions aren’t always comfortable, but it only takes one to be the pivot that inevitably changes your life.
Whatever you do, don't become a greedy, selfish, evil, affected, awful lying twit. It never ends well for those.
Universal expectations of humans are low.
Dead or alive, you’re guaranteed a legacy fully directed by the actions you choose.
Failure succeeds at motivating.
You’ll never know what winning feels like until you know what it feels like to lose.
It’s important you do this alone.
I can’t tell you more, but remember this: Life is jam packed with shock and surprise, and I’ll always have your back.“

Your Table’s Waiting
Friendships are a special beast within the realm of relationships. Like all relationships, friendships evolve, and they are a two-way street.
A life without friends isn’t much of a life, and making new friends is a crap shoot. Lucky us!
Welcome to the Ca-si-no, I’m not your friend!
It’s like gambling, except when placing bets, we use mental currency, not cash, and it’s amazing what your mind can afford.
P, P, P, Poker Face, P, P, Poker Face!
Life is like an incessant game of poker, and it’s boring if you don’t pay attention. There’s always a spot reserved for you – and only you – for life.
How we behave, interact, and communicate with each other is a culmination of whatever cards life hands us on a daily basis.
You won't win without trying and you have to play anyway. At minimum, poker is entertaining, but can be insanely fun with the right people.
Learn through observation and improve through experience. With a good poker face, a losing hand can win almost any game. Luck can strike at any time and change your life.
Keep your head in the game.
The Best is Yet to Come
I’ve spent a lot of time wishing I’d made better decisions in life. It’s fun to think about how things could be different, if only I just…
However, that’s a waste of time. My past made me who I am today. Now is not the time for coulda shoulda woulda didn’t stories. There’s no sense in beating yourself up over shit you didn’t do.
If you want to change anything, apply the knowledge gained from the lessons life has given you and commit to being better, not bitter.
Bring yourself to the table so we can be better, together.
Smile more. Welcome new people, and show interest in others. Put forth an effort to show people you care.
Small changes will evolve your world before you know it. Even still, it takes time; a lot of time.
And patience.

Nobody lives while dwelling in the past and trapped in a loop. Nobody lives when they aren’t present. I’ve been there. It’s a self sentenced purgatory.
Being alive without living is a lonely place.
Imagination Work is a Virtual Brain Gym
Life is a game of wonder.
Nobody lives a life they never imagine, and it’s never too late to dream. You can always discover, create, tweak, finetune, evolve, enhance, and achieve dreams.
However, there’s a caveat. It’s work, and not necessarily work you get paid to do. At least, not at first. It’s work that might pay off down the road.
Your imagination becomes exponentially more active the more you open, stretch, strengthen, and train your imagination.
Imagination training is exhausting, even though you don’t pick up weights. The only thing you lift is your spirit, which, ironically, ultimately lifts you.
My Dream is Virtually Real

Be real and you will begin seeing opportunities that you never thought possible.
Sometimes it takes us to witness a groundswell of humanity in order to realize the secret to life is simple: Life is an internal journey.
In This, We Trust
You - yes you - the person reading (and writing) this right now - we're part of a unique team brought together (or otherwise connected) by incredibly rare circumstances that led us to the right place, at the right time.
Coincidence? It doesn’t matter. Somehow, we’ve crossed paths and it’s about time we have this conversation.
You sacrificed a lot in life early on. Remember? It doesn’t matter what you could have done different. We can play that game for the rest of our lives. Right now, it’s sudden death and the net is wide open. Missing this opportunity is unacceptable.
Everything must fall apart before anything can be pieced back together. Betrayal and loss are experiences everyone needs.
Everything happens for a reason. Nobody enters your life by accident. An actual occurrence of coincidence is rare.
Your external existence will never soar if you don’t understand and reinforce the foundation of your internal existence.
There are good and bad decisions, but there are no right or wrong ones. How we deal with the outcomes defines us as individuals.
A guilt-free conscience is the best prescription for quality sleep.

Embrace each day as an opportunity to push forward with an open mind and a kind soul.
Never forget: A life of privilege isn’t a privilege at all. The longer you live without experiencing heartache and hardships is a disadvantage.
Be nice, be kind, and do the right thing.
Love wins.

Love to read your stuff and witness your evolution. So much of what you write is food for thought and is right on the money. Life is an internal journey bombarded with external distractions. What we do with that defines where we go. You are so figuring it out. Keep writing Travis, the journey is real!
Thank you Carrie, I appreciate your words so much. I’m always on the dishing out end of them, it’s nice to be on the other side. Thank you for accompanying me on my journey. It is real! Too real sometimes. Too surreal sometimes. But all real nonetheless.