It finally happened; another word made the list of my personal, verbal equivalents to nails on a chalkboard.
It’s a lurking word I’ve noticed inching its way into the everyday Jargonitis of election politics: Conversation.
"Conversation" is the buzzword to be wary of for crafty answer dodging for 2020 campaigns.
The good news is, that’s already obvious.
Don’t get me wrong, communication is key component to building a civilized society, especially a connected one.
I take issue with politicians who refuse to take a stance - for whatever reason. I would never vote for someone waiting for polls to tell them how to think.
When it comes to elections, it no longer matters what candidates say. They’ve had decades to figure out where they stand.
What matters is what they have done and continue to do.
Actions matter more than anything.
Want a conversation? Start a book club.
“Conversations” don’t need to be brought to Washington.
If a politician hasn’t developed an opinion beyond dinner table discussions, they have no business running for president.
That's not to say they have no business in public service. It's just they're not ready for the highest office of the land.
Birds of a Feather
Everyday on my dog walk, I see all kinds of waterfowl. Of course they were going to make it into my stories at some point.
Today’s political scenario – this level of synchronicity between the media, our government’s behavior, and public reactions – appears categorically unnatural.
As if...
Motives can yank anything natural from everything. Let’s see where you stand.

The Cautious Goose Lacks Backbone
Nobody needs a new job title to take a stance.
Today, the same, (and more dangerous), tools are used to uproot political discourse amongst all of us since we were born: Political platforms. Both would have us believe we’re all fucked up.
20 years ago, Columbine happened and we’re still talking about guns. Somehow, sexuality is an issue and the Supreme Court is close to weighing in on whether or not I can be terminated for being me.
Abortion, religion, marriage, love, war, and Jesus are still arguments, and women still only make $0.70 to every man’s dollar, another statistic that appears unchanged from 20 years ago.
In the past 20 years, the Electoral College flipped the popular choice for POTUS results – twice!
What are the odds?
Naturally? Zero. Unnaturally? 100%
The only thing that hasn’t happened, God forbid, is another 9/11. September 11, 2001 will be 18 this year. It’s almost 20.
20 years ago, the Berlin Wall stood in history.
Today, we live in a country declared national emergency over funding of a wall.
Wait…what? Still?

The Careless Goose Lacks Heart
The presidential field is filled with fodder. I’m trying not to be too critical as there are other ongoing things from which we’re being distracted, so I’ll stick to the main careless goose: Donald Trump.
Trump was elected when Obama was president.
We can’t blame Trump on Trump. Trump happened as a result of something. A lot of somethings. Ever since the 2016 election, it’s been a turmoil spill.
The man who is responsible for “grab ’em by the pussy” in our vernacular is POTUS.
"Never in a million years..."
Welcome to year 1,000,001.
We've got a clean up on all aisles. All staff report for duty.
Pick a poison: Impeachment, resignation, wait, or Civil War? We know where Trump stands.
Our president reminded us how much of a fan he is of General Lee with his most recent defense of his “very fine people on both sides” Charlottesville, VA blunder.
Bill Clinton was impeached 20 years ago. By the same standards, Donald Trump would already be gone.
Before that, though, President Trump must face the music or we’re doomed to repeat something even more unsavory.

If only the Mueller Report would change it's name to either the Benghazi Report or the Starr Report. What would republicans do then? Wait, that already happened.
The Criminal Goose Goes to Jail
Hanging somewhere over us is the truth. It’s been captured. Rest assured things never end well for the criminal.
The challenge about truth is finding it. Once it’s found, it’s better to be on the right side of it, or figure out a way there.
Someone already nailed someone to that cross.

There is such a thing as too little too late.
Karma’s planning her own party. It’s no sweat off her back if she’s late. The last thing she wants to do is disappoint her guests.
The Courageous Goose Doesn’t Give a Duck
The only way out of this mess is to let the mess out of my mind.

The Ill Eagles
America doesn’t soar without Americans soaring.
Would you fly under Trump’s wing in a V formation? Do you trust the lift of the upwash from the wingtip vortices of that HBIC (head bird in charge)?
If anything he's making it harder to fly in this country.
Donald Trump never intended to win the presidency. His entire transition debacle made that evident. That, and his complete inability to keep his most senior positions filled.
It’s been a cascading turmoil slick ever since.
The President is too divisive of a figure at present time.
Plus, I can't imagine there isn't other shit he'd rather be doing.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up resigning. Any advisor to him who’s worth the dirt they walk on would encourage resignation this point.
I’ll be more surprised when this charade ends.
The shark tank smelled fishy before, but now it includes the added downgrade aroma of "carcass rotting in a swamp", which is ultimately what grabbed mypattention.
If it were up to me, this would have been over years ago. But, it’s not. Oh well.
The sooner we rid him from our marred democracy, the better off the country will be.
Mark my words.

What a day that will be.
Until then, brace yourselves for a bumpy ride.