The White House is Now the Outhouse
The White House is basically an outhouse. I’m not sure whether or not it has a door, or if it’s been tipped over like a cow.
I don’t know who’s responsible for cleaning that shit, but you don’t need a nose on your face to smell the shit coming from Washington D.C.
The city itself is remarkably beautiful. It’s like a pristine toilet with an unlimited capacity to deal with unsurmountable shit; day-in, day-out.
They lit a candle and weren't careful. The new outhouse is plastic and plastic melts.
Guess where it was made. Do you know what else is manufactured in China? Here’s a hint: the U.S. Government.
The answer is: Toilets. Toilets are made in China. The U.S. Government was only a hint.
I assume China makes more than engines and generators for Kohler while stealing Intellectual Property from all over the globe.
Words matter.
Trump and Pence are D.C. Toilet Paper
That’s what they are, and that’s what they’ve always been. The fix was in and the strings were strummed.
The Electoral College bestowed The White House with one, giant, and seemingly unlimited supply of Trump/Pence.
The usual brands in the ass-wipe industry nearly buried the world in butt crumbs.
Same shit, different day, week, month, year, Christmas.
“I can’t tell you what it really is; I can only tell you what it feels like.” – Love the Way You Lie; Eminem (feat. Rhianna)
Just Gonna Stand there and Watch me Burn
When it comes to history, I was as brainwashed as anyone. I used to swallow America’s shovel-ready bullshit – hook, line, and sinker.
I was 38 at the time, but the seeds had been planted my entire life. Also, Obama was president, and the company that I co-founded in 1999, et alia, llc., hadn’t started its rapid nosedive…yet.
On April 30, 2014, the U.S. Government - my government - sanctioned and observed the fraudulent sale of et alia, llc. - along with its intellectual property and trade secrets - to Kiewit Technology, Inc. On May 22, 2014, Kiewit Technology, Inc. announced it would operate under a new name: InEight, Inc.
It was still one year before, out of desperation, we offered two members of our executive team to invest in 8%.
We were bleeding cash like a slashed throat.
Is that blood in the Shark Tank?
Let’s call them “T” and “D”.
“T” and “D” were each offered 8%. While “D” passed on the offer, “T” actually dropped $160,000 cash for 8% of et alia. In fact, “T” inquired as to whether or not he could purchase the 8% “D” turned down. He wasn’t extended that offer.
That would have given him more equity than I had as co-founder!
Long story short, “T” lost money on his investment.
Weird, huh?
I get it now. I felt bad about it until I didn't. The guy wasn't exactly Shark Tank material. That's a whole other story.
False Flag on the Field
Do you believe that U.S. voters elected Donald Trump? I don’t and I never did. It’s simply not true. It’s impossible – not in America – not in this lifetime.
However, the results had to be believable, so a bunch of behind-the-scenes shit went down, worldwide, in every major industry. It feels eerily similar to The Purge. Only, this one doesn't have a title - yet. Maybe it does, I don't know. I know what I'd call it.
Besides, we don’t elect our president, we vote for our president.
The Electoral College elected Trump on December 19, 2016.
Good lord, America. What have you gotten yourselves into?
Federal and state governments dropped a bunch of balls in the worst ways. The balls busted like eggs – even though government balls are significantly smaller than below average nuts.
At what point did you begin to read between the lines? Was it before or after the day the world turned upside down?
Thank You, Politicians of America!
Once again, you’re the drunk uncle crossing the line at a family holiday gathering.
It’s always the same with you: Blame everyone who isn’t you for everyone’s misery, including your own.
Uncle Sam, what did you do to Aunt Samantha?
I can’t imagine how it feels to be you – nor do I want to. It looks as though you lost control of the narrative, and that sucks. Don’t call me when you lose control of your life.
By nature, politicians have an unusually high risk of becoming morons.
The past is playing out in front of our eyes and curious minds. Let’s rewind to July 5, 2016.
The director of the FBI, James Comey, recommended no charges against Hillary Clinton regarding the investigation of her using a private email server.
Democrats cheered while Republicans jeered. Comey was a hero! Or was he?
Fast forward to October 28, 2016, when Comey made another announcement. He divulged discovering a of trove of never before seen emails, effectively throwing Ms. Clinton back into the frying pan.
Republicans cheered while Democrats jeered. Comey was a hero! Or was he?
Who the fuck are these people? Do they really believe American’s are this fucking stupid? I mean, I’m American, but I’m not an American idiot.
On November 9, 2016, as people woke up, their heads exploded one way or another.
Americans were left to their own devices to process what the fuck just happened. Since then, nothing’s been natural. Everything coming out of D.C. is contrived.
The truth is in the metaphor, and the metaphor is a lie – a bigly BIG LIE.
Apparently, it’s required to be out of the know to know anything.
You can bet your bottom Deutsch Bank dollar this is a planned rollout of events. It’s a plan that’s been in place since well before the turn of the century, and that went off script further than anyone ever imagined – until now.
Nothing made sense, but the point of the great American shit show wasn't to make sense. Since its inception, the Super Gay American Nightmare was to make billions and trillions of dollars and cents without making sense.
Politicians have been full of shit for centuries, but we underestimated the amount of shit contaminating the only “Plan It” Earth we have.
That PIE sounds yummy, who wants a piece?
Look What You Made Me Do
Politics are private-label platform misunderstandings, between two party platforms, and that shit’s about to rip.
A special note to all members of the incoming 116th United States Congress set to start on January 3, 2019
Make no mistake, now is not a good time for any politician in America. You’re about to become part of an historic legacy of why we can’t have nice things.
I hope that’s not the case. We will learn whether or not the government shutdown tomorrow means good news or bad news for you.
In order to be a patriot, you have to care about the people living here. Every last one of them. No exceptions. That is not negotiable.
Just because I don’t have your attention doesn’t mean you don’t have mine.
In the end, you don’t want it to be something you didn’t do. It might be too late for some of you.
Ground Control to Major Tom
On May 9, 2017, President Trump fired James Comey. The heads of republicans and democrats (or whatever was left of them) collectively exploded – again!
What happened?
Mueller? Mueller?
The 115th U.S. Congress has some unfinished business, no?
Tell me I’m wrong.
Comey? Lynch? Ryan? Pelosi? Graham? Schumer? Obama? Clinton? Do any of you have anything to add? How about Bruce Grewcock at Kiewit? Are you familiar with him? Or Bill McDermott from SAP SE?
Facts related to Kiewit:
My co-founding partner and I scheduled a call for July 7, 2015 with Kiewit attorneys Mary Carnazzo and Jeremy Stewart.
On that call, we made the accusation that the purchase of et alia was fraudulent.
Within 24 hours, Jeremy notified both of us that they investigated our assertions and denied any malfeasance regarding the purchase of et alia.
It only took Kiewit 24-hours to investigate fraud, but the HR allegations we made in April, 2015 took over two months to tell us they did nothing wrong.
At the end of April, 2015, I met with Jill Thomsen. According to her business card, she was Kiewit’s Director of Government Relations.
According to Jill, she was Kiewit’s Director of Human Resources, a new position and she didn’t have business cards.
At that time, Jill encouraged me to file a complaint with the EEOC. By June, Jill told me the EEOC would “laugh” me out of their office.
My co-founding partner filed a case with the EEOC later that year.
Hi, Jill. What changed? I know you know I know. Let me ask you, is there anything you want to say on your own behalf? Or can you?
I’m not breaking any confidentiality agreement right now.
It must have sucked when you failed to trick me into signing that piece of garbage.
I can't imagine anyone at Kiewit is excited for this story to come out.
What’s the difference between William and Bill?

Bill McDermott sat next to President Trump in Davos in early 2018, while Trump told the world the United States would “no longer turn a blind eye” to unfair trade practices.
Another fact: On July 9, 2015 – just two days after Brad and I spoke with the Kiewit attorneys – Bill McDermott suffered an injury. Ultimately, the injury cost him an eye.
I don’t know why these people would start telling the truth right now. Even a plea deal couldn’t stop Paul Manafort from lying through his teeth.
This country is on thin ice or deep shit – one of the two. Either way, we don’t need any more TP, we need and entirely new house. This isn’t as easy as remodeling a bathroom and it’s a little harder than leasing plastic pods to poop in.
Mr. President, is there anything you want to tell us?
Now You Know
The only climate not changing is political. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is almost the perfect metaphor for U.S. politics. The difference being that Jupiter’s storm is shrinking.
Looks like there’s intelligent life out there after all.
Earth, however, continues pig-roasting its way around the Sun.