Ding Ding “D” O’Duck Duck “G”


Righting at the Speed of Love

What you’re about to read is not about God. It’s about the nation he’s above. It’s about the United States of America – a country I love and the country I’m from – the country that boldly declares In God We Trust on its currency and the people who prioritize money above human life.

They will have a hard time keeping pace with how this is about to unfold.

Home of the brave, indeed.

Good morning, America! More on moron money in a minute. 

I’ve been in a growing state of confusion for the better part of six years. The words regularly penetrating me these days are ongoing and mind blowing.

Look out, folks. I need a shot before I continue. This will be uncomfortable for some awful people.

By the way, my relationship with Milagro involves only a shot glass.

Lordy, Lordy Look Who’s 40

I turned 40 less than a month after moving to Scottsdale. I never imagined how drastically different my life would become today.

It’s a fucking mess, but in the most glorious way.

On September 13, 2018, I’ll have served a four-year term in Arizona.

It happened when it would create an everlasting impact.

I’m not the only one whose life completely realigned itself. 

I’m still perplexed, but I feel incredibly blessed, beyond measure, and anyone who knows me understands how weird that statement sounds coming from me.

I deserve another shot. This one’s a double.

America’s Multiple Reality Disorder

Multiple realities are what make life worth living. This is a country where only 5% of the world calls home. We are the world’s melting pot. There’s no country more diverse than America which gives America the biggest opportunity.

In God We Trust

There’s a difference between having life and being alive.

There’s no purpose in having, but there is purpose in being. Not all humans are human beings. At the end of the day there are two ways to go. You either die feeling miserable or depart fulfilled, feeling upgraded to a level of love I cannot wait to see.

For now, I’m going to have to deal with just feeling the love, which isn’t a bad penalty box. I’ll be back in the game soon enough. I needed the rest anyway.

There are plenty of people who never thought this much truth would ever surface. Then again, those people aren’t very smart, and I no longer surround myself with people who bury the truth under layers of deception so easily. That’s not what a human being does.

Being a human being is never easy. Shit, hooking up on Scruff isn’t easy.

Circling Back to Trusting God with Money

Earn it honestly. Don’t steal it and don’t take bribes. I don’t recommend accepting anything stamped with God for bad things. But, I don’t care either way. You do you and it looks like you’re happy doing it and that’s great. Keep going down that path.

In God We Trust

God is everything. God is even the Devil. Think about that for a second.

Be careful, money is a double-edged sword and it’s sharp. By itself, money isn’t the root of all evil; it’s the love of money that will ruin your life and the lives around you.

Money is more addictive than any drug you can inject. It’s especially dangerous because your friends love its scent. It smells better than a kilo of coke and they know when you can’t afford them anymore.

Cash Strapped Trust

If you don’t know what’s going on by now, I don’t know what to Tonya.

Everyone had every opportunity to practice their blindfolded triple consecutive quad axels, coupled with kickboxing and creativity, in time for crowbar season.

Crowbars are basically bats. It doesn’t matter whether it has wings and rabies, or made of wood, both are bad news. You won’t know what hit you anyway, and it doesn’t matter. That’s the least of the problems you can’t solve.

In God We Trust

Money is a magnet for greed and a tool used to manipulate the actions of others. It’s a criminal’s temptation and fuels corruption.

Money dehumanizes us because everyone needs it to survive. It’s one of an infinite temptation we encounter every day.

What will you do for money?

“Keep your relationship with God to yourself and I promise I won’t thump you over the head with a giant dildo in casual passing.” Author Unknown

Simply Awesome Pest Control

No more bets.

America has never had a more easily guided walk, at the speed of baby steps, consciously coupled with the slowest, most repetitive, slide show of bullshit ever imagined.” Author unknown as far as I Know.

The risk of playing with fire is that most people aren’t smart enough to know they’re dancing in the flames.

Rectal Dysfunction

You’re in deep shit if your head is still up your ass. An occasional brain fart doesn’t cut the cheese.

It’s time to shit your brains out. The clock is ticking.

Lt. Dan had legs for days; he just didn’t know how many days.

Money Didn’t Sight Light! Holy Crap!

Since last July, the term “blind trust” has become a common theme and grounding reminder between me and a special friend.

Creativity, music, muses, mistakes, curiosity, compassion, and truth – which takes the longest to expose – are my personal development tools.

Having friends with mutual respect doesn’t harm the process, but introduces a whole new level of disappointment and hurt, that makes you stronger if you’re an adult who can admit mistakes.

Does time heal all wounds? Here’s a hint. No. Time eases pain, but pharmacies don’t sell it.

Ok, I’m taking my dog to the park so I need to wrap this up.

Remain committed to yourself and be loyal enough to be trusted. “Blind Trust” is scary, but it’s the best feeling when it was the right decision even though it’s the most vulnerable feeling.

Now, where did I put that tequila? Three shots this time! I feel like I just bowled a 300. A boy can dream!

In God WE Trust

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We Know when We Know


Marooned & Golden

Welcome to Miracle Arena, otherwise known as Mother Earth, where nobody exists by accident.

You – and all your broken pieces – are here for a reason.

Yes, clichés are annoying. They’re overused, trite, simple, and patronizing truths that nobody sounds smart saying. Then again, I never claimed to be smart. Here comes another!

The truth is, you’re a living miracle.

It takes us nine months to breathe on our own, but our time on Earth is the real womb. It’s time to level-up your effort for the greater good.

Life is poetry in motion and we’re all in this together. It sounds like a bullshit sandwich, but it tastes as good as an orgasm feels.

Believe it or not, it’s your decision.

Born in the USA

The minute you’re born, innocence is lost, and free will is gained. You’re scared, confused, and crying. You have no control over any part of your situation.

The worst part about the entire ordeal is that the ordeal is your reality.

From that moment on, you make decisions – all day, every day, for the rest of your natural born life. You’re now free to fuck up your life, along with the lives anyone else you can depress.

It’s easier than you think!

Houston, we have a problem. A big one.

You have exactly until you die to become someone you’re proud to be.

Your World Revolves Around You

Being the master of your universe comes with responsibility, and therein lies the problem.

It’s not difficult to think you’re important, but to believe you are is entirely different.

Behave accordingly. Act like a miracle if you want to be one.

When someone acts important while being completely oblivious of how they affect others, bad things happen. It happens to families and friendships all the time, but damage caused by self-absorbed behavior extends far beyond those immediately affected, eventually.

Look in a mirror long enough that you don’t destroy the person staring back. Take time to see what’s in the mirror before you break it.

Care about others, but worry about yourself. Whatever you do (or believe or share or plan or desire or try or say) is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself, which ultimately manifests itself in any and all relationships you have with others.

Be the person you want to know.

Live a life you’re willing to defend. Don’t lie to yourself, it doesn’t work. The truth always finds its way to the surface. There is such a thing as ‘too little too late.’ 

You are the company you are.

We all have choices and I’ve chosen to be pro-life to the extent that I care about mine.

Cherries bury a lot if the bowl is big enough.

A Miracle & the Bouquet of Bullshit

It’s scary as hell to not have all the answers. I sure don’t, but the more I search my soul, the more comfortable I am with myself…and everything I remember ever happening to me. Time; it takes time, and I’ve been busy. It hasn’t been easy. Bold decisions have a way of bringing out your best.

In your conscious being, the eyes you use to see – those are yours. The brain you use to think – that is yours. The heart you use to hurt – that is yours. The soul you will always be – that is yours.

Everything else is ancillary; everything else is there for your benefit. I know that sounds selfish, but it’s not. It makes everything else significant.

Everyone exists to teach you lessons and give you ideas. Everything and everyone else exists to allow you an opportunity to improve and help you find your place in the world.

Everything we dislike or disagree with are there to help us recognize our own flaws.

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Take time for yourself. Nothing about your life has anything to do with anyone else, except yourself. Accept yourself. If you think I’m full of shit, I’ll leave you with this: You haven’t tried hard enough.

You have exactly until you die to become someone you’re proud to be.

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Nobody Belongs on this Fence


A Fence I Won’t Forget

October 12th was the 19th anniversary of Matthew Shepard’s death. Last year, I wrote about the heinous crime against Matthew as I watched America stay stuck in its political climate pattern before its 2016 election.

Never forget Matthew. He would have turned 40 last December.

The Climate Unchanged

Same shit, different decade. The only climate not changing is political. It’s unbelievably sick, sad and (quite honestly) pathetic.

Do you honestly believe the United States of America, as seen on TV, is the real United States of America? What makes any of us stay? The shit we see almost anywhere we look; is that exemplary of you?

No? Me either. That’s why we stay. I get it now.

If that offends you, stop worrying about me and turn your focus inward. You’re reading this by choice. Reading further won’t do you any favors.

Apparently it’s up to us to think for ourselves. It’s weird, I know. Individual capability varies; all it takes is a little thought.

If you’ve thought about thinking about thought, but then thought otherwise, stop thinking.

Stay Curious

Curiosity killed nothing but a boner.

If you want to feel better, you have to do something different. Sometimes, that requires trying something new and I’m talking about far more than just sex.

It’s not bad to try new things.

Get Out of the Habit of Being Unhappy

That’s a problem in this country. Nobody has time to be more upset than they already are. Too many extraneous factors influence how we feel on a daily basis.

Free Your Mind

There’s a difference between sadness, anger, and pain. Experiencing them is the only way to learn. Carefully consider your battles.

First, fuck politics. Wait for the debates. Until then, don’t obsess. Try not to feed the beast. If something’s really important, you’ll know.

It’s important to be informed to engage in meaningful discourse. Complex issues require more than one approach.

Parrots are repetitive and repetition becomes annoying. Parrots don’t solve world problems.

Being Human > Being Inhuman

We’re all born fearful. Fear is natural; it’s the first emotion we experience at birth. Going from womb to room is a rude awakening.

Nobody likes a rude awakening.

You don’t overcome fears without facing them. It’s important to be in the right mind when facing a fear. Fear ignites our instinct to defend ourselves, which can result in aggression. Some fears are easier to conquer than others.

Conquering fears allows us to adapt.

Nobody adapts to anything with their head in the sand.

Happiness is Risky Business

Ironically, I’ve felt higher levels of happiness only after feeling lower levels of worse. If you want to experience an elevated version of happy, you’re going to have to take risks. When taking risks, be prepared to be uncomfortable.

Don’t Be Embarrassed to Change

Being stubborn is a character flaw that paralyzes people who think they know everything. Stubborn people suppress curiosity and limit their ability to learn.

The more you experience, the more you learn. Experience enables us to make better decisions. Better decisions help us personally grow. As we grow, we become more mature. As we mature, we become more confident.

Confidence is sexy and being sexy isn’t embarrassing.

Ignorance is Your Enemy

Ignorance is embarrassing.


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What to Expect on the Devilish Smirk Blog


Big Bowl of Blog

Devilish Smirk will always evolve. I promise. All blog topics are on the table, or close enough to grab.

You never know what I’ll bring back to the table. I pace a lot and I can return with any topic. I’m like a dog carrying a dead rat into the house and freaking everyone out.

Some topics will come out of nowhere, and others you may not understand, but it doesn’t matter. I’m not that complex, and life is much simpler.

You’ve Been Warned 

It’s hard to arrive at the place where you understand and believe what you think to be true. Nothing gets easier. In fact, problems elevate your threshold to deal with more bullshit problems, which are always possible.

Anything can happen. Friendships morph, but don’t always end. It’s happened to me, and others. You never know exactly what you’re being prepared for so you might as well prepare as best you can.

What have you got to lose?

That’s a trick question. You have everything to lose, no matter what you do.

Simplify your life after you complicate the fuck out of it. Everyone does it to themselves, in countless capacities.

Baby steps are small and, to get anywhere, takes time.

It’s like sea kayaking in Alaska. You paddle for hours and the scenery doesn’t change because the mountains are giant.

As a writer, this has been one of my larger struggles, but not the largest. Cherries bury a lot when the bowl is big enough.

Thank you for checking out Devilish Smirk. I hope you enjoy your time here. Never be afraid to show your genuine self. That’s the quickest way to take control of your time.

Spend time on this site. Subscribe for inbox surprises. Engage. Share.

Smile, then smirk.

Communication is how it begins.

“When I started this, I read a lot about having a niche. I’m creating it. It’s been a huge challenge, but I’m having a lot of fun and I feel great doing it. I wish I’d dedicated time to it sooner.” Travis Garrod, October 22, 2015.

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Two Little Love Birds Sitting in a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G


First Comes Love

I can’t make love come. I’ve seen love come twice, and it came after me, both times. Love comes and goes on a schedule that’s not on my calendar.

I’m not saying love can’t come first; it won’t. Love isn’t stupid all the time.

It needs at least one fulltime bodyguard. That’s me, and I’m zero for two. I’ll always be zero for something.

It doesn’t matter. I come first and love actually prefers that. Love takes time and I’m easy.

Then Comes Marriage

Say what you want about love; everyone needs it. That’s fact.

Marriage isn’t for everyone, but everyone should have the option.

I don’t care if two people exchange vows while pissing in the same toilet. If I’m not exchanging vows, I’m unaffected.

Only One Guarantee

When it comes to heartbreak, there are no limits.

Then Comes Baby in the Baby Carriage

There you have it. Sex education in America.

Model Left: Travis Garrod Model Right: Travis Garrod


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