Second Time Swine


Tasmanian Devils, Activate!

I tried making waves, but soon realized that was a great waste of time. I’m not here to surf.

I’m here to live a life that leaves an unsettled aftermath of inspiration to remind us of one simple truth.

Don’t be ashamed to make life fun.

Love relentlessly with an open mind. Listen to everything, question everything, stay curious, and don’t be afraid to explore…anything. Speak your mind, but also be mindful of apologies.

Land-based & See Sick

My life isn’t any more tragic than any other human tragedy, and I’ve seen some astounding events. I didn’t enter the this world prepared for what followed, but it only got crazier, more painful, increasingly cryptic, and wildly rewarding.

Everyone makes one giant mistake

Fear is your first feeling, then the pendulum between juxtaposed emotions begins. Life is about connection, communication, curiosity, and care.

Humanity cannot be faked, and will never be faked.

Everyone has a story worth sharing, but not everyone has the ability (confidence) or platform to share their story.

Some either don’t take a chance, or never have one. Some don’t recognize the chance, while others blow their chance.

I’ve witnessed awful things occur between people, but the worst humans are always responsible for the largest groundswell of a fearless, unwavering commitment to truth.

“Gimme a silencer, I’m gonna need a minute.” ~Anonymous Pirate of the Caribbean

Be part of the groundswell.

Second Time Swine

Red rover,
Land over,
No Grover,
It’s over.

Time Up? Or Time…
Thought you’ve seen it all?

Have you lost your eye?

Not even close,
Trust me when I say,
Rethink your play.

Don’t try this one again.

Got another

Back to your busted self,
Enjoy one more trip through hell…
…and some bad news.

Sorry to Ruin Your Warning! Reset in 3...2...1...
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We Know when We Know


Marooned & Golden

Welcome to Miracle Arena, otherwise known as Mother Earth, where nobody exists by accident.

You – and all your broken pieces – are here for a reason.

Yes, clichés are annoying. They’re overused, trite, simple, and patronizing truths that nobody sounds smart saying. Then again, I never claimed to be smart. Here comes another!

The truth is, you’re a living miracle.

It takes us nine months to breathe on our own, but our time on Earth is the real womb. It’s time to level-up your effort for the greater good.

Life is poetry in motion and we’re all in this together. It sounds like a bullshit sandwich, but it tastes as good as an orgasm feels.

Believe it or not, it’s your decision.

Born in the USA

The minute you’re born, innocence is lost, and free will is gained. You’re scared, confused, and crying. You have no control over any part of your situation.

The worst part about the entire ordeal is that the ordeal is your reality.

From that moment on, you make decisions – all day, every day, for the rest of your natural born life. You’re now free to fuck up your life, along with the lives anyone else you can depress.

It’s easier than you think!

Houston, we have a problem. A big one.

You have exactly until you die to become someone you’re proud to be.

Your World Revolves Around You

Being the master of your universe comes with responsibility, and therein lies the problem.

It’s not difficult to think you’re important, but to believe you are is entirely different.

Behave accordingly. Act like a miracle if you want to be one.

When someone acts important while being completely oblivious of how they affect others, bad things happen. It happens to families and friendships all the time, but damage caused by self-absorbed behavior extends far beyond those immediately affected, eventually.

Look in a mirror long enough that you don’t destroy the person staring back. Take time to see what’s in the mirror before you break it.

Care about others, but worry about yourself. Whatever you do (or believe or share or plan or desire or try or say) is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself, which ultimately manifests itself in any and all relationships you have with others.

Be the person you want to know.

Live a life you’re willing to defend. Don’t lie to yourself, it doesn’t work. The truth always finds its way to the surface. There is such a thing as ‘too little too late.’ 

You are the company you are.

We all have choices and I’ve chosen to be pro-life to the extent that I care about mine.

Cherries bury a lot if the bowl is big enough.

A Miracle & the Bouquet of Bullshit

It’s scary as hell to not have all the answers. I sure don’t, but the more I search my soul, the more comfortable I am with myself…and everything I remember ever happening to me. Time; it takes time, and I’ve been busy. It hasn’t been easy. Bold decisions have a way of bringing out your best.

In your conscious being, the eyes you use to see – those are yours. The brain you use to think – that is yours. The heart you use to hurt – that is yours. The soul you will always be – that is yours.

Everything else is ancillary; everything else is there for your benefit. I know that sounds selfish, but it’s not. It makes everything else significant.

Everyone exists to teach you lessons and give you ideas. Everything and everyone else exists to allow you an opportunity to improve and help you find your place in the world.

Everything we dislike or disagree with are there to help us recognize our own flaws.

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Take time for yourself. Nothing about your life has anything to do with anyone else, except yourself. Accept yourself. If you think I’m full of shit, I’ll leave you with this: You haven’t tried hard enough.

You have exactly until you die to become someone you’re proud to be.

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You Need to Know How Lucky You Are


You Already Won the Lottery

Believe it or not, it’s true. However, it’s a tricky truth, and it’s not enough to take my word for it. There are three things that fall squarely on you, and you alone.

Decisions, decisions! Don’t you just love having free will?

Once It looks like a America has Breakdown BelievingIt’s Hard to Believe Anything

First, you have to truly believe you won.

Second, you must prove it through your actions.

Third, know that you are your only concern.

If you have th eYes, you need the hat-trick.

When it comes to others, strive to inspire. None of us have anything better to do than be better. You might want to look in a mirror before jumping in one.

Find that place in your mind where you sleep like a baby whenever you sleep.

Too many people worry about others more than they worry about themselves.

Give Up the Gobstopper, it's Not Everlasting.
And Now, a Word from Our Sponsor!

Dreams Are Realized By You!

If you’re reading this, you’re a Darby too. Or Darby v.2.0.0. You now have a few more inches added to your D. It’s the least I could do considering the light years I’ve drawn from you. 

Everything else is Chaos & Piss – or so it seems. I’ve Got Money Now, and all I can say is that everything – real or fake – happens for a reason.

The first of countless to come…

November 27, 2017

This one’s for you, P!NK!

I remember that night perfectly. You, my friend, are such an instrumental influence on me, you have no idea. Well, fuck that. I’m sure you do. You should. You need to hear it from me. No, I take that back.

I need you to hear it from me.

Ever since I saw you in Milwaukee at Summerfest, in 2006, you captivated me in ways only a live performance can.

When I missed you in Milwaukee last summer, I was CRUSHED. I was so certain I would be there, as early as that performance was announced. Nope.

I was wrong about many dates, and this one stung.

I get it now, and it’s been my dream my entire life to be in this position. Never, in a million years, would I have thought it would be this way.

However, it is, so here you go.

I would be honored for the opportunity to meet you and hang out for a day and be real. I don’t know when or how this works…at all. Then again, that seems to work best.

I don’t know the size of my bubble. No fucking clue. But, it’s ever expanding so people need to get ready.

I’m the easiest person to get in contact with whenever you have the time.

I can’t wait to dream with you.

Consciously yours,

Travis “Smirkin’ the fuck from ear-to-ear right now” Garrod

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A Bigger “D” in Darby is Darby’s Biggest Dream


Darby’s Dream is a Grower

Darby is a fulltime, unemployed acronym armed with the hunger of a dream. That dream is growing, and it’s getting harder and harder to feed!

Dreams Are Realized By You!

Lucky for Darby, she believes in her message.

What Did Darby Do?

Darby did what any crazy dreamer, with the heart to change the world, would do if they only had the chance.

Darby recognized the chance.

She built a Thanksgiving table so big, it held enough food to serve an entire army – in every country – in the world, and others!

She even provided all the food!

Thanks, Darby!

Then, some awful people covered the table with small ass plates, and took credit for hosting the best Thanksgiving dinner in the universe. They thanked everyone for coming, and couldn’t wait to host again next year.

They told Darby that people ate dinner off the plates they provided, and not her table, as part of their “Screw All People” picnic collection


At that point, Darby forgot everything she believed about herself.

She felt the life she lived was one big, giant lie. She began feeling things about humanity she never felt before.

That is, until she actually hit rock bottom. At that point, all she could think of is what she’s stood for all along.

Dreams Are Realized By You!

Finally! It took long enough, but Darby felt something she never felt before. It liberated her to next level status, within her mind.

She didn’t have a single fuck to give.

Dreams Are Realized By You!

Darby Recognized Another Chance

Good luck taking that away.

Sometimes it takes a groundswell of humanity to realize the secret to life is simple. It’s an internal journey. Yes, I’m sorry to disappoint you.

Things always get worse before they get better!

Your external existence will never soar if you don’t understand and reinforce the foundation of your internal existence.


If you experience pain, loss, anger, depression, or anything bad, you still have something to learn, and that’s the truth.

Even life has loopholes. Bitch!

Repeat and Believe

Nobody lives a life they never imagine. Life is a game of wonder. Next time you’re in front of a mirror, recite Darby’s words to the person you see.

Look at your sexy self with your eyes open wide, and say it with a smile. It’s worth a shot.

Dreams are realized by you.

Imagination Work is a Virtual Brain Gym

It’s never too late to dream. You can always discover, create, tweak, fine-tune, evolve, enhance, and achieve dreams.

However, there’s a caveat. It’s work, and not necessarily work you get paid to do. At least, not at first. It’s work that might pay off down the road.

Your imagination becomes exponentially more active the more you open, stretch, strengthen, and train your imagination.

Imagination training is exhausting even though you don’t pick up weights. The only thing you lift is your spirit, which, ironically, ultimately lifts you.

Darby’s World War Work of Art

Pick up your supplies and draft yourself.

Darby’s is the imaginary amusement park in my mind. It didn’t take long to create because I never built any walls. Walls are for pussies.

It’s a passion concept that works because people effectively communicate with one another, especially themselves.

It’s a perpetually expanding universe.

Darby’s always feels bigger than the time before, and everyone is welcome. The only people who go are those who want to be there! Every trip to Darby’s is pure entertainment.

I go because it’s like no other place on Earth.

Minds are off leash and imaginations run wild. Everyone’s human, cordial, kind, and happy. Seriously, it’s fucked up. You should come!

My Dream is Virtually Real

We exist and evolve in a dream within another dream, ever-evolving. It’s hard to keep track of which one’s which. All I know is that I bump into a lot of other dreamers.

After coming to Arizona, my life flipped like an anti-gay politician in some kind of public bathroom.

It took me years to realize the real lies with my real eyes.

Question Everything to Understand Anything

What I didn’t realize is that, all along, my life had been upside down for years. That was a tough one to figure out. Coming to Arizona actually turned it right side up.

Life has a way of correcting your alignment and course.

I’ve done a lot in my life I cannot shout proudly from a mountain top, but I’ve learned from the culmination of my mistakes. At the same time, I can’t say I have any regrets. I’ve faced, accepted, and owned the crazy things I’ve done.

Meeting and getting to know people who open up about things they’ve done (or do) that society has no business judging motivates the fuck out of me to tell as many stories as I can.

I do what I do because I’m always evolving. I’ve changed my mind countless times about things I thought were true.

Be real and you will begin seeing opportunities that you never thought possible.

Understand, however, it takes a lot of time.

Darby is a Bug that can Tug our Boats

We are the captain and crew of our individual ship, and it’s full of personal baggage whenever we’re daring to float.

By the way, nice baggage! There’s something familiar about it. It looks homemade, without lifetime guarantees, kind of like mine. Did you design it yourself?

I’m looking for baggage that goes with mine.

Dreams Are Realized By You!

Live in the Present to Live Your Dream

Life is one hell of a gift, and a gift is a present. This moment, right now, is the present. The present is your dream. Live in the present to live your dream.

Sweet dreams, everyone!


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All Paths Lead to Purpose


Your Only Pioneer is You

We’re all pioneers of our own unchartered path. We stumble, trip, fall, crawl, bitch and argue our way through life’s present conditions every day.

Your Path Leads to Purpose

It feels good to think you have purpose, but believing it is entirely different. Purpose resides within you, and it’s something you discover about yourself. 

It’s in your DNA.

Finders Keepers

Generally, we have ideas of what we want and where we’re headed, but it’s not always clear how we’ll get there.

All the while, we’re distracted by self induced crises and every other obstacle we can’t control. It’s up to you to know the difference. Detours are inevitable – a lot of them – and it’s easy to get lost.

Everyone gets lost.

It’s not a matter of if, but when. It’s going to happen – if it hasn’t already – and when it does, you need to do the finding. Nobody else can do that for you.

Others may support you, but that’s the extent of what anyone can offer.

You’re not their project, and they aren’t yours. Care about others and worry about yourself.

Your life is your project.

Find and Be Keeper

Find purpose, or purpose will find you.

It’s impossible to see what you don’t believe.

Lost yet? I know I am.

Welcome to the Land of Confusion, Illusion, Delusion, Seclusion!

What’s your poison?

This is a test. This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test.

Every American has the ability to admit this simple truth: Americans are spoiled. Yes, we’re spoiled. We’re all spoiled in similar and different ways.

It’s impossible to see what you don’t believe.

Life is One Hell of a Gift

Life is an adventure worth remembering and there’s a lot to miss. Pay attention to everything around you and notice the pieces to your puzzle, hidden in plain sight, every day.

A word of caution: The sadistic side of life constantly delivers blows of sadness, anger, pain (and others) that have the ability to break you, but only if you let them.

Life is an opportunity of a lifetime full of once in a lifetime opportunities.

Be a Pathfinder

Remember the past, live in the present, and don’t be future blind. Envision your future. Dream about your future. Imagine your potential.

Remember to watch your step. Keep your head up and your mouth closed. Look ahead with your eyes open.

Be aware of your surroundings. Listen carefully to others. Think before you speak. Listen to what you’re saying. Recognize opportunities. Know your options. Make decisions. Die another day.

Eat healthier. Drink less. Clean house. Cancel cable. Get your face out of your phone. Do laundry. Sleep more. Try to get exercise. Meditate. Stop thinking about your ex. Travel more. Meet people. Make new friends. Have more sex. Don’t procrastinate.

Oh shit, forget that last list of garbage. Those are notes to myself.

Be a Trailblazer

All of us have the ability to inspire others. Inspiration is powerful. We see, hear, touch, taste and feel inspiration in whatever passions we pursue.

If you’re capable (and you are) of leading by example, then lead by example. You never know whose life you’ll touch.

Be Proactive

Nothing you want ever falls into your lap. Winning the lottery sounds great, but it’s a dangerous plot twist when you’re unprepared for the curveballs that follow.

Failure is a motivating teacher. Be brave, everything will be okay. You’ll never truly know what winning feels like until you know what it feels like to lose.

People who inspire others experience volatility, turmoil and failure. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is inevitable.

Explore the paths of most resistance, but make good choices. This requires bold decisions, and bold decisions involve risk.

Learn to be spontaneous. Quick decisions aren’t always comfortable, but can be the pivot that inevitably changes your life.

Create a Wake

Life isn’t an accident; life happens on purpose. Some people cause a wake, and others leave an unsettled aftermath.

Baby Steps

We crawl before walking, and walk before running. We leave tracks connecting where we are, where we’ve been, and where we’re from.

Everyone has experience worth sharing. Some won’t, and others will, but nobody can walk a mile in someone else’s shoes until completing a marathon in their own.

It’s impossible to see what you don’t believe.

Find purpose, or purpose will find you.

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